Facilities and Technology
View a list of all of the Claire Trevor School of the Arts campus venues here.
Productions take place in six fully equipped theatres: the Irvine Barclay Theatre, a 760-seat proscenium stage; the newly renovated Claire Trevor Theatre, a 290-seat proscenium stage; Winifred Smith Hall, a 230-seat thrust platform stage; Robert Cohen Theatre, a flexible 80-seat "black box" stage; Little Theatre, an intimate 165-seat proscenium stage; and Nixon Theatre, an informal 60-seat laboratory and cabaret stage.
Alternative Performance Spaces
Productions have also been mounted in the school's Art Gallery, Motion Capture Studio, Beall Center for Art and Technology, Maya Lin designed Arts Plaza, Jerzy Grotowski-inspired UCI Barn and Yurt, and elsewhere on campus in street theatre format.
UCI students have computer access to the greatest university library in the world - the 30 million volume combined library of the UC system. The three UCI campus libraries, located minutes away from the department, contain 2.2 million volumes and over 20,000 current journal subscriptions in print, both referenced by a computerized system that provides immediate access to most materials on open shelves. The campus libaries also maintain 5,500 online scholarly resources, a collection of 2.5 million microforms, and more than 77,000 cartographic and graphic materials, computer files, audio recordings, films, and videos.
ArtsLab, a general purpose computer facility, is available for use by all students in the Claire Trevor School of the Arts to access email, browse the web, conduct remote library research, and complete digitally-based course assignments. Drama's Design Lab is available to design students to work on CGI class and production projects. The UCI Office of Academic Computing also has a wide and sophisticated array of equipment and applications and is open 24 hours a day.